Fine Arts Research Paper

Words: 998
Pages: 4

Fine Arts Required Course
One major issue I have experienced at Ball State University is a required core curriculum course. In order to graduate each and every student at Ball State University is required to pass at least one fine arts course of their choosing. Fine arts courses consist of either art or music materials and information. For example, I took Art History 101 as my required core curriculum class. Other class options include introduction to music, introduction to art, and music history.
I feel that the fine arts courses are useless to a lot of students. The art history course I took last year did absolutely nothing for me. I dreaded taking the course and it did nothing for me and instead provided a constant headache. Most students
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Most degrees have little to no major relevance to the fine arts courses. I believe that the courses should instead be electives. In high school, for instance, fine arts courses were electives classes that only about half of the students participated in. I believe that college should be the same as high school in regards to the core curriculum. I feel that I wasted valuable time and money learning things I have no use for today. I spent $2000 taking Art History 101 and benefited nothing from the class. I learned about famous painters and was forced to memorize the names and dates of the paintings. I also learned how to draw and paint, things I have never been interested doing. Since taking the class I have forgotten about ninety-five percent of the material I learned during the class.
To gain a better understanding of the reasoning behind this required course I interviewed my former art history professor. I interviewed Professor Bradley to help form a better idea about why fine arts are part of the Indiana core curriculum. I also wanted to gain insights on his opinion about accounting majors being required to take a fine arts
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During Art History, I was forced to form my own opinions about artists, paintings, and sculptures. I had also formed opinions about the easiest and most convenient way to make art during a class project. During the project, I was required to plan a painting and was required to plan out the step by step process in order to do so. I was also required to research various different styles and techniques and required to plan my own painting. During the class, I had also learned to appreciate different cultures and moral beliefs. We learned history from many different cultures spanning from Africa to Europe. During the class, I learned to appreciate different ideas and ways of