First Day Dialectical Journal

Words: 1889
Pages: 8

Chapter 1 : First Day (1)

Within Seoul, the capital of South Korea, there was a youth, frail body, about 175cm in height and a pale face.

His name was Leiu, 24-years-old and part timer, although, it was currently summer and the weather was a bit hot, he didn't look tired right now, quite the opposite in fact, he was excited, not because he shift will end in half an hour, but because the new game: Hell Gate, will be released in three days.

It's currently 2021, and Virtual Massive Multiplayer games have been publicly released since 4 years go, but honestly, none of the current games were decent enough, but hopefully, this era will change, in fact, there was a beta testing of Hell Gate a few months ago, and the 500 people who tested it were
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At midnight, he closed his laptop and went to sleep, he was a bit tired so in a matter of minutes he soundlessly fell asleep, fortunately, the erotic noises from behind the wall were gone or else he would have to bear with it all night.

Just like that, the night passed in the blink of an eye, Leiu woke up when the loud of the alarm coming out of his old phone came out from under his pillow.

The sound was so sudden and loud that it deprived him of all his sleep, it's like pouring cold water on you when you're asleep, it was quite effective for Leiu as it allowed him to never be late to any of his jobs, he suffered lack of his sleep but there was nothing he could do about it.

It's a good thing he lived alone, or else his sister would have been traumatized because of the alarm too.

It was about 6:25AM, the selling of the headsets would begin at 8:00AM, it was still early, but he nonetheless woke up early because he had to arrive early or else he would have to wait hours for the