First They Killed My Father Analysis

Words: 180
Pages: 1

Haley Johnson
Ms. Waller
English 11
3 March 2018
First They Killed My Father

Despite the Ung family being everything the Khmer rouge wanted gone, they hid and fought for their lives in an area surrounded by death. First They Killed My Father by Loung Ung, shows the irony in the mission of The Pol Pot regime. The Khmer rouge stormed villages, killing those of higher status in order to equalize people; which only led to the creation of different classes within the new villages created, the Angkar. “They have the power to teach, police, judge, and execute. They make all decisions: work details, food rations per family, severity of punishment. (Ung 61). The Angkar held all the power; ordering families to remove everything with meaning, and banning