Florida Supreme Court Justice Research Paper

Words: 1273
Pages: 6

1. List all the Supreme Court Justices and give two facts about each. o Chief Justice Jorge Labarga
• He started his career as an Assistant Public Defender with the Public Defender’s Office in Florida.
• Justice Larbarga, appointed by Governor Charlie Crist in December 2008, was later appointed to the Florida Supreme Court. o Justice Barbara J. Pariente
• Justice Pariente’s career, dealing with both legal and judicial, has been going on for 43 years.
• In 2008, Justice Pariente was inducted into the Florida Women’s Hall of Fame, along with other numerous awards. o Justice R. Fred Lewis
• In 1998, Justice Lewis was appointed to the Supreme Court of Florida by Governor Lawton Chiles, who passed away the same year.
• In 2008, Justice Lewis received
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• Appointed by Governor Bush, Justice Canady served a term in the Second District Court of Appeal. o Justice Ricky Polston
• Justice Polston has been serving in the Florida Supreme Court since 2008.
• He received an award, Florida State University Most Outstanding Accountant Student, in 1977. o Justice C. Alan Lawson
• Justice Lawson has been a member in the Supreme Court of Florida since 2016.
• He received his J.D. from the Florida State University in 1987 with high honors.

2. Describe 5 current cases which are up for review by the Supreme Court. o The Sierra Club vs. Julie Immanuel Brown – the Sierra Club members in the Florida Power and Light Company’s (FPL) service area have to pay higher electric bills. The Sierra Club brought this case to the Court because the Commission’s Final Order failed to meet one important requirement: the money they recovered were not invested properly. o Herssein & Herssein vs. United Services Automobile Association - The Herssein Firm sued the United Services Automobile Association, its former client, for the violation of fraud and
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Give a summary of the history of the Florida Supreme Court.
Florida has a very ancient history; its laws are almost a thousand years old. The English Common Law caused the Florida law to be far away from the State itself. The English law helped lay the basis for the idea of a separation of powers. England and its Common Law didn’t really rely on law created by legislatures until the twentieth century. Florida operated in a similar way; their Supreme Court was the final authority.
England seemed to have a great impact on Florida, but it wasn’t the only one. The Spanish Empire was a great influence. The Florida law was actually a colonial version of the Spanish law. Many lawsuits used the Spanish law, which was caused from the treaty of Spain. Because of this, the Crown of Spain conferred rights over land that wouldn’t exists in the United States. The Supreme Court has old Spanish laws from the 1500s, which shows the importance of these laws.
Florida law has been influenced by France as well as England and Spain. The state has had allegiance to five different flags. This interaction is all found through the state capital, Tallahassee. It is known as an American “melting pot” that melted together everything together before. As the Florida law continues to evolve, new precedents become important to the Florida law. This makes cases perform functions that make sure the law works fairly to all. The Florida Supreme Court are in an official set of books, which are part of the national