Football Persuasive Research Paper

Words: 530
Pages: 3

Over 147.000 youth football players get a concussion while playing football. Thats more than any other sport. Would you want your child or you to be getting hurt on the field? Football affects the players health and education. This creates an ongoing debate whether kids should participate at all. Since football is a danger to the youth players, kids should not participate in this sport to reduce risks of harming their health and education

Professional football players like Jermichael Finley say in an interview: “Playing football is fun.”, but when he's asked if his children would play he responds saying he wouldn't just because of the things he’s seen happen and experience. Many professional players feel this way, too. They've seen and possibly experienced the dangers of football and wouldn't let their kids play. Now, that says a lot.

Go to practice for 4 hours or do an entire project that's due tomorrow?
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They don't have time to just sit and read a book anymore. This is lowering their lexile levels if they can't continue to read and practice. Reading improves focus as well as the imagination. If kids put aside football for maybe one season, they might see significant changes in their grades. Many kids might not need athletic scholarships, because if they dedicate more time to homework and studying, they could end up with academic scholarships instead. Even if they managed to get football scholarships, it will only get them so far. Eventually they will need to look for a job, and skills on the field are not what successful companies look for when they are