Foster Care Research Paper

Words: 1593
Pages: 7

Tyler Robertson

ENGL 112

Mr. Fields

April 13,2024

Problems and Possible Solutions of Foster Care.

Challenges upon challenges. That is what the foster care system is all about. In this bibliography, we will take a closer look at what foster care is all about. From understanding why children enter foster care to learning about the several types of foster families, we will dive into this important topic. Let us understand and figure out potential problems and solutions to foster care.

The article outlines the pathways through which children enter the foster care system, showing two main routes. Reports of suspected maltreatment to state or county hotlines, typically by mandated reporters or concerned citizens and through voluntary introduction
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Specify. It dives into the differences between foster care in the United States and Europe. The point is that we need to stop making this foster care system a system. We need to make it a temporary stop the kids make to get them out of the foster care system “following the principle that children should be placed in foster care only when necessary, and for a time as short as possible.” (Ferrara) Foster care is not a permanent destination; it is just a stop. Ferrara also believes we also need to protect the children's rights. She believes that we are not treating these kids with the rights they deserve. “... build a unified vision and guidelines for foster care.” (Ferrara) Ferrara foster care system is one with as few kids as possible and where the children have their own …show more content…
Lawrence uses a study to seek to address gaps in existing research by evaluating the direct impact of foster care on behavior problems in high-risk children and their families. It examines how foster care affects behavior problems and psychological functioning. She wants to see if this affects the developmental stage of a child's life. “In 2001, it was estimated that 542,000 children were in foster care, with demand exceeding available homes by 30-40%.” (Lawrence) Lawrence who is a professor at the University of Minnesota, wants to understand the foster system in its entirety to find out what is happening to the children's brains. “The negative impact of child behavior problems on foster parent–child relationships were thought to contribute to multiple placement changes.” (Lawrence) She concluded that if a child's foster parent is neglectful or plain bad, their brain functions change dramatically. Lawence's article helps us understand the neurological side of foster care and how foster parents can be a big part of