Essay on Foundation Summary Report Example One

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Pages: 16

Foundation Simulation Final Report

MANA 4322 – Organizational Strategy


2015 Annual Report

Sensors, Inc.’s Mission Statement:
The Mission of Sensors, Inc. is to provide high quality sensors to the electronic sensor industry for distribution world wide. Sensors will produce a variety of sensors in both the High and Low Tech markets using established market specific R&D methods and price them competitively within this highly competitive market. Sensors is committed to producing products that have excellent designs and quality attributes.

Original Strategy:
At the outset of incorporation, Sensors, Inc.’s management decided that it would concentrate on a strategy of being a Cost Leader with Product Lifecycle Focus. In this
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In this year, Sensors did succeed in raising the stock price for our investors but lost ground in ROS and ROE. Since our strategy is to measure our performance by each of these criteria, we knew that we needed to perform better in the next year.
Round 2 – ending December 31, 2010
Much better, our stock price, ROE and ROS are all moving in the right direction. Our stock price and ROS might not be the best ones in the market, but our ROE is; so we are making some profit off the money that our shareholders have invested. We had the best sales when compared to our competitors with the downside being that we stocked out again. We had decided not to reposition either of our products but


2015 Annual Report did reduce the price of Able. The promo and sales budgets for both of our products were set to the same amount which was a reduction from the previous round. These budgets were implemented to make sure our products were accessible and that they had good customer awareness. Able had more awareness in both markets than did Ace, this is most likely due to the fact that Ace was new to the market, not coming out of
R&D until March of this year. Able was a known product and was available to be sold the entire year.
Again this year, most of the interest for our products came from the Low Tech market, 66%, and the High
Tech market took the