Fracking Research Paper

Words: 441
Pages: 2

Hydraulic fracturing or fracking is a well stimulation technique in which rock is fractured by a pressurized liquid. Fracking requires blasting huge amounts of water, sand and chemicals deep into underground rock formations for the purpose of extracting oil and natural gas. Fracking can result in severe environmental impacts and public health threats. For example, the fracking process can lead to induced earthquakes which are unpredictable. Other risks to local communities in which these drilling sites and wells subside include the disruption associated with loud noises, bright lights and the heavy truck traffic in residential neighborhoods which results in damage to roadways. Additional concerns include air pollution, groundwater contamination and surface water pollution. …show more content…
I do have firsthand experience, having witnessed the loud noise, bright lights, heavy truck traffic, smoke and smog involved with these fracking sites. Disasters related to fracking may involve long term health risks such as respiratory problems, prenatal complications, chronic health conditions associated with noise, stress and sleep deprivation, emergencies related to spills, accidents and explosions including contamination of drinking water. These are predictable hazards of fracking in residential areas, creating the potential for mass casualties. The hazards and dangers to the community are being studied with little acknowledgement and planning in place considering the risks. It is the responsibility of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to oversee the Fracking industry and hold it accountable for the safety of the community. The economic advantages in the fracking industry overshadow the devastation it can