Fracking Research Paper

Words: 990
Pages: 4

Alex Charles ENG 111
February 22nd, 2018 Let’s get fracking What exactly is fracking what are the dangers of fracking to the environment and to public safety? The fracking process is one that consists of drilling into the soil and injecting water simultaneously. The only problem that comes with it is most of the drills are being used to drill oil and oil and water do not mix. The contaminates that are absolved during the process is where the concern lies. The Fracking process is one in which the drilling industry has utilized for decades. Turns out fracking has made a pretty big dent on the environment. Understanding the effects of how fracking has adversely affected the environment and public safety is the purpose of this paper.
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Correspondingly in America what are the health problems that are associated with the fracking processes? “Scientists found the wastewater can contain chemicals that alter the action of the body's hormones. In mice exposed in the womb, the heart and reproductive tissues did not develop normally”(Beth). Fracking has affected the way that reproductive tissues in the heart have not developed correct leading to issues that may arise down the line that may be detrimental to our health. Furthermore reproductive tissues are nit the only things being affected by fracking. “Hormones are natural chemicals produced by the body's endocrine system. That system produces hormones that tell various tissues when to turn on or off a particular important action. For instance, hormones help people process food, identify hunger and recognize when it's time to sleep. Hormones also tell tissues when it's time to grow. Puberty and reproduction, for instance, are controlled by a complex series of hormonal changes”(Beth). These harmful chemicals discharged from the machines can cause issues with the growth and reproduction of not only the human population a put the animal kingdom too. It is time to proliferate a process in which the fracking companies or companies that utilize this technique are more regulated. It is not fair to subject people to harmful chemicals with out any substantial …show more content…
What are the safety precautions that have been implemented to protect the earth and its population from the dangers of fracking. “The federal level, the EPA position on fracking is still evolving, and there are key areas in which fracking is exempt from regulation, including the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Act” (Jokajtys). The lack of regulation that the federal government has shown on the fracking industry has invited businesses to consider more dangerous practices for profit. The industry that is not heavily regulated has a impact on the environment and the people of the world. Finding methods that are safer for the environment and more effective at disposing hazardous materials in a easier more effective manner. “Perhaps the most feared hazard of fracking is the contamination of drinking water, either through surface spills, improper disposal, or underground migration” (Jokajyts). Using safer methods to dispose of hazardous materials would heed more progress towards a safer environment and more secure public safety. Paving the way for laws that would benefit the fracking companies ,the environment and the