Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1933 Inaugural Address

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Pages: 3

Overview An unpleasant fact that has persisted throughout history and in contemporary society is that there is a persistent and pervasive imbalance against women in government. The way women are treated in politics is still unequal to that of males, even in spite of progress made toward gender equality. This disparity undermines the values of democracy and inclusive governance and is a reflection of systemic biases. By exploring this topic's intricacies, we can see that it poses a challenge to our political structures as well as an issue that has been discovered. Franklin D. Roosevelt talks about the demands of bold leadership in his 1933 Inaugural Address. He focuses his remarks on the responsibility of the people to continue to be strong …show more content…
Body Examining different viewpoints and suggested solutions is essential to addressing the unequal treatment of women in government. According to one article, vulnerability is a necessary component of courage, emphasizing how hard it is to own up to one's shortcomings, particularly when there are significant risks involved. This is evident in politics, when women who display more emotion are perceived as unfit for government roles because they do not conform to the traditional, stoic image of a leader. She discovered that historically, access to resources necessary for political success has been determined by gender and race, and that organizational, societal, legal, and legislative changes have an impact on this dynamic. According to recent data, the proportion of women holding office in the Democratic Party is increasing, but the number of women in the Republican Party is decreasing. The president of the Women Leaders Global Forum, Silvana Koch-Mehin, is another source that emphasizes the need for action to achieve complete gender equality and the underrepresentation of women in