Freedom Of Choices Analysis

Words: 568
Pages: 3

The freedom of choice has forever had connection in our everyday lives. We make choices everyday without analyzing the true outcome of our decision. The article by Barry Schwartz describes the differences between a maximizer and a satisficer and shows how a variety of choices is not always the best for a person.
As I read this article I realized how overwhelmed with choices people can have, including myself. From going shopping to choosing a college course. Barry is accurate when he mentions in the 5th paragraph of the first page how its only logical that having a variety of choices can benefit you. Psychologist David Myers, political scientist Robert E. Lane, and journalist Gregg Easterbrook argue that our well being has decreased in the past 30 years. It is because of our advancement, our choices have expanded and have driven us into depression or suicide.
Furthermore, upon the entrance to college, the students are loaded with choices from majors to college courses. It has been said by Barry in page three of the article that 35 years ago when he was in college you can find another person and it would be common that those two people would have taken similar courses at some point in their college career. After 5 years, college went from having narrow choices to
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When a maximizer is overwhelmed with choices he or she has a harder time making a decision such as when it comes to shopping where you have a variation of selections you can make. A maximizer college student will send out many résumés and go to more job interviews but will not be satisfied with the job. On the other hand, a satisficer will look forward to “good enough” results. Satisficers are those who are comfortable with the minimum and can decide