From Outside In Analysis

Words: 653
Pages: 3

The world contains millions of people from all different races and cultures but how many do we encounter in our lifetime? When we meet these people for the first-time what changes do we make to ourselves if any at all? One examines this new specimen by watching their movements and forming an assumption based merely on their appearance. We conform to them by making subtle changes to ourselves, whether it may be our appearance or more likely our speech. We, as humans are naturally social creatures and we make these changes to bring ourselves to the likings of others. This modification that we make upon ourselves are shown in many text, but exact examples that lead to the base of the problem exist in pieces written by Barbara Mellix’s “From Outside In”, Flavio Risech’s
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Mellix describes her childhood experience and how these multiple identities formed. Risech, who was born in Cuba, was raised in the states and tells his journey of traveling and techniques that were used to fit it around certain people and groups. Like both authors, Barnlund writes about the changing world, and how acceptance interculturally, will bring people together.
Travel, whether international or merely traveling to a different state, brings many new changes. A person’s perspective on life changes when you witness how others live. Feelings of thankfulness, as well as empathy for other cultures and countries form but most importantly, these changes bring forth new experiences and often leaves a lasting impression on a person. An openness forms of