Future Career Research Paper

Words: 890
Pages: 4

Life is all about figuring out what you want to do how to do it , and setting a plan to achieve anything you want to do in life successfully ;well that's what I believe. I am becoming more conscious everyday about who I am as I learn more from the environment and people I put around me .My mission in life is to be successful in my education for a career as a future psychologist,have great relationships with loved ones present on wards to the future , have better time management and be positive towards my mind ,body and soul.
Being successful in education for my future career as psychologist is simple. Work hard by studying ,getting good attainable grades and lots of coffee. Not only will I benefit from it but I will achieve my wants and needs in life. I will benefit from it mentally and emotionally as a study proven by Richardson in 1969 is visualizing active behaviors such practicing to get better at an sport,skill, or exercise including psychically doing something both improves that skill rather than doing nothing. So the only way to be successful is actually doing the things I just listed in the 2nd sentence. I believe successful
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Time management is including in my mission because it's important to be organized and not stressed for time crunching events in life. I want to be able to enjoy all the important moments in life ,without rushing through each event that comes along in my life. Sometimes people don't actually stop to look around at life because of not having a time in a day to do so. I want to enjoy every moment while I'm still young,be able to enjoy my education,work and social life. All to still have time once in while to take in fresh air also visualizing everything in the moment. Time management is important to when I can accomplish and be realistic about timing for myself without overloading my time. Always being busy is not always