The article touched on the draft orders for who’s considered a candidate by stating “The government goes house to house, enrolling all men aged 20-35 (and unmarried men aged 35-45), then held a lottery to choose from the pool.” In addition, it also talked about the method to allow one to pardon themselves from the draft if they have three hundred dollars. Sadly, during that time, having that much money was slim because of thievery and low amount of people who could afford it. Thanks to the article, it helped explain the more of the reasoning for the riots, which is due to the conflict of the state workers losing their immunity towards the draft. In retaliation services like the fire department went around town setting things on fire, smashing windows, stoning people, etc. With the riots, people where in a frenzy because they could no longer protect themselves from the draft and in retaliation they took it out on other people, weather they were innocent, poor, or favorably rich enough to buy themselves out. To clear out the situation, soldiers where deployed to deal with the rioters and eventually they where worn out and for the time being calmed