Being impatient in traffic will only create more trouble than it already has. On July 21, 2022, court records revealed how a case of road rage left one man dead and another man accused of murder. As the victim was sitting in the passenger seat of his coworker's car, they were almost struck by a box truck that had run a red traffic light. The witness describes how Hickerson “threw his arms out the window like what the heck.” That simple gesture got him killed (Wells, 2022). This story goes on to show how people have become so impatient and self-centered that they act before they think, and hurt themselves and others. As the people of this modern society start to become more self-revolved, it is apparent that we still need chivalry today. As Charles Summer once said, “The age of chivalry has gone; the age of humanity has come.” This quote exactly represents who this generation has become. As a civilization, it has become a place in which the older generation would have never dreamed