“Global Shift”: The global-scale relocation of different types of industrial activity, especially manufacturing industries. As well as redrawing the world economic map, global shift has brought social, political and environmental changes to nations.
TNC’s Expand through: natural growth (increased volume of sales and profits), Acquisitions and mergers (taking over rival companies), Horizontal Integration (when TNCs merge with smaller competitors) or Vertical Integration (TNCs take over the whole industrial process from development of a product to assembly, transportation and sales).
Global Groupings: - Trade Blocs (EU: formed 1957. 31% Global GDP but 7% population) and (NAFTA: Features USA, Canada and Mexico.)
Political (G8: Formed 1974, World’s Super Rich UK USA Japan and Russia)(G20: Formed 2003 and 1964, first to provide collective voice then to promote developing countries trade.) (OPEC: Formed 1960 of Middle Eastern Oil Exporters. 65% world oil reserves.) And (OECD: 1961 formation to ensure smooth running of developed and rich countries.)
NGOs (UN: 1945 Prevent war based in NY), (IMF: Monitor economic development of countries and provide loans. Based Washington), and (World Bank: Give advice and grants for reduction of poverty.) (WTO: 1995 Geneva. Promotes global free trade and settles disputes), (NATO: 1949 Brussels. Military Alliance originally after WWII to counter an Eastern attacks.)
“Shrinking world": Thanks to technology, distant places start to feel closer and take less time to reach. This process is also called “Time-Space Compression”.
“Global Shift”: The global-scale relocation of different types of industrial activity, especially manufacturing industries. As well as redrawing the world economic map, global shift has brought social, political and environmental changes to nations.
TNC’s Expand through: natural growth (increased volume of sales and profits), Acquisitions and mergers (taking over rival companies), Horizontal Integration (when TNCs merge with smaller competitors) or Vertical Integration (TNCs take over the whole industrial process from development of a product to assembly, transportation and sales).
Global Groupings: - Trade Blocs (EU: formed 1957. 31% Global GDP but 7% population) and (NAFTA: Features USA, Canada and Mexico.)
Political (G8: Formed 1974, World’s Super Rich UK USA Japan and Russia)(G20: Formed 2003 and 1964, first to provide collective voice then to promote developing countries trade.) (OPEC: Formed 1960 of Middle Eastern Oil Exporters. 65% world oil reserves.) And (OECD: 1961 formation to ensure smooth running of developed and rich countries.)
NGOs (UN: 1945 Prevent war based in NY), (IMF: Monitor economic development of countries and provide loans. Based Washington), and (World Bank: Give advice and grants for reduction of poverty.) (WTO: 1995 Geneva. Promotes global free trade and settles disputes), (NATO: 1949 Brussels. Military Alliance originally after WWII to counter an Eastern attacks.)
“Shrinking world": Thanks to technology, distant places start to feel closer and take less time to reach. This process is also called “Time-Space Compression”.
“Global Shift”: The global-scale relocation of different types of industrial activity, especially manufacturing industries. As well as redrawing the world economic map, global shift has brought social, political and environmental changes to nations.
TNC’s Expand through: natural growth (increased volume of sales and profits), Acquisitions and mergers (taking over rival companies), Horizontal Integration (when TNCs merge with smaller competitors) or Vertical Integration (TNCs take over the whole industrial process from development of a product to assembly,