South Korea
By: Erik Mays
Liberty University
BUSI 604
Dr. Romanoski
May 9, 2014
Abstract In this research paper I will be analyzing the cultural perspectives of doing business in South Korea. In doing so, I will be answering the four major questions as it relates to the major Elements and Dimensions of culture in South Korea. Also, since the dimensions of culture in any nation are many, it is necessary to analyze each category that makes up the Dimensions of one’s culture, these categories have been in place for many years in any given country. If we simply consider the Dimensions of Culture in the United States alone, which range from Religion to our Ethical standards, it would be clear …show more content…
Catholicism Catholicism reached South Korea in the 17th century when Matteo Ricci’s Catholic missionary works that were in Chinese were brought back from the mainland China (Beijing) by the annual tributary mission to the Chinese emperor. The religious doctrine came with books that included aspects of Western learning such as the solar calendar. By the 18th century there were several followers as well as scholars and their families. However, at that point there were no priests, because they did not come to Korea until the Chinese priest Zhou Wenmo came in 1794. There was also sporadic persecutions during those times, because foreign religions in Korea was looked down upon. In-spite-of the growing number of persecutions followers continued to increase. There were also a number of relief organization as well as missionaries throughout the Korean War from 1950-53. During these very important years the church grew and the hierarchy was put in place in 1962. Perhaps a major turning point for the Catholic Church in Korea, is when Pope John Paul 11 visited during the celebration of its bicentennial, which included a canonization ceremony. This was also the first time a ceremony like this was ever held outside the Vatican. This visit solidified Korea as the fourth largest number of catholic followers in the world. It should also be noted, that during this Papal visit, the Pope made a stop to Sorokdo Island, an Island that housed the country’s