Global Climate Change Revision Essay

Submitted By 364293
Words: 460
Pages: 2

Zach Merto
Mrs. Maniscalco
Earth Space Science
Revision: 4/12/15
S1 Climate and Meteorology 06: Global Climate Change
On planet Earth, human and nonhuman factors contribute to climate change. The article, “Climate Change at the Poles”, discusses one of the human factors. Rapid climate change is among the largest hazard to the poles. Atmospheric carbon dioxide has been increasing for over one-hundred years, with substantial contributions from the fossil fuels used to power our homes, businesses, and vehicles. Climate changes are also caused by nonhuman factors. Before humans, changes in climate resulted only from natural causes. These causes include changes in Earth’s orbit, changes in solar activity, or volcanic eruptions. There are ways that we can reduce the human impact on climate change. One of these ways is to harness ocean energy. Ocean waves hold a vast amount of energy that is almost entirely unharnessed despite our constant need for sustainable, non-contaminating electricity. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory has been researching and developing the WECs (Wave Energy Converters).
Contemporary computer models and progressive engineering techniques are allowing WEC technologies to advance rapidly.
Secondly, there is a trend in Guatemala to reduce deforestation.
Legacy Foundation’s Project is decreasing deforestation by helping to substitute fuel wood and charcoal burning with hollow core biomass briquettes. GlobalGiving supports this project and believes that through the training in biomass fuel briquette production, members of the community are offered the opportunity to increase their income while protecting their environment. This is a win-win situation.

Finally, the human impact on climate change on Earth may also be reduced by the development of a revolutionary “shape changing” aircraft flap. NASA claims that the new wings will make the aircraft more fuel efficient. From what scientists understand, burning less