Global Health Framework

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Pages: 3

While all of the four frameworks are essential in approaching global health, in my opinion global common is the most helpful in approaching global health. To approach the goal of improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide, every country, regardless if it is considered high income or low income, should cooperate. I think that the framework of health as a global public good is the one that could be the most helpful in approaching global health and to increase international cooperation, which is essential to achieve equity in health.

Through the perspective of global public goods, the non-excludable good of health is seen as a concern of all, poor and rich countries. Aid through this perspective is also seen as something that will benefit all, not just as rich countries helping the poor ones. As described by the WHO, public goods become global in nature when the benefits flow to more than one country and no country can effectively be denied access to those benefits 1. Through this framework there are strong society-wide benefits from environmental health and disease control
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An infectious disease that is endemic to a region in a certain country could also affect a country on the other side of the world when it is least expected. So, global common, is the way to prevent situations like this, through cooperation of countries. An example of this is the cooperation of nations in their borders. For example, the United States and Mexico are working together against TB by combining efforts of the research and civil society community 2, since this is a problem in their border. Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis is a problem across the borders in East Africa 3 which is related to global common, since it requires a regional and global solution by the cooperation of the Eastern African countries, but also from other countries, through economic, research and development and policy