As we all know the healthcare system in the United States is so big and important that politicians talked about it whenever the national elections is in the horizon just like the last US presidential elections and for most Americans it is the only driving force for them to venture out and exercise their civic duties to vote. Healthcare system in the US is so complicated that you might need a doctor and a lawyer just to explain how it works. Just like the other big programs digital record keeping is part of it. Numerous doctors in the past have secured pen-and-paper and use a laptop or tablet to keep up patient health records. The 2009 Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, which considers $27 billion in motivating forces for human services suppliers who show compelling utilization of advanced digital recordings. The enactment originated from the conviction that EHR’s utilized as a part of specific courses, for example, medicine request would caution a clinician about medication to-medication interactions could at last make patient medication prescriptions more secure, more viable, and more proficient. Be that as it may, a few studies showed that when doctors invested additional time entering information themselves, it shortens the time with their patients and extended their workday so they can see more patients. Such a variety of practices understood and it boded well for clinicians generally doctors and additionally other healthcare professionals and doctor associates to delegate some EHR-related undertakings to clinical help staff, including medical attendants, Physician assistant(PA), Nurses(RN), and Nurse Practioners(NP). EHR is a helpful and valuable method as it will be easy to store information in a server and access it in the future as the need arise, keeping up manual records is more clumsy and