According to NASA, “The global average surface temperature rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius (1.1 to 1.6° F) between 1906 and 2005, and the rate of temperature increase has nearly doubled in the last 50 years.” This makes sense because before the Industrial Revolution started in 1840, the earth’s average temperature was not increasing as rapidly as it is increasing now. But, due to the rapid development of industries during the Industrial Revolution, the use of natural resources also increased. The main sources of energy for the industries were fossil fuels like petroleum products and coal, which are the major sources of carbon dioxide gas emissions. If we see the trend of carbon dioxide emission, it has increased by over 16 times from 1900 to 2008. This clearly explains that there has been a drastic increase in the emission of carbon dioxide after the industrial revolution started. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). Greenhouse gases are vital for living beings, without these gases survival is next to impossible. These gases make a layer that trap the heat coming from the sun, and make the planet livable. The mean warming effect of the natural greenhouse gas is about 14 degree Celsius and if there were no greenhouse gases then the temperature would have been as low as -18 degree Celsius (National Climatic Data Center). The main component of greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. The level of carbon dioxide is balanced by forests as they intake carbon dioxide and give out oxygen during photosynthesis, balancing the greenhouse gas. Unfortunately, due to the excessive use of fossil fuels the carbon dioxide percentage has increased. Moreover, as the population has risen significantly to six billion, the need of people has also increased. This increment in the needs of people has led to excessive use of forest resources leading to deforestation. Many studies have been conducted regarding deforestation, and it was found that 34-38 percent of the forest had been cleared in Asia and Africa and approximately 28 percent in Latin America during the last century. Considering deforestation and the Industrial Revolution occurred at the same time, in the last century; both of them have allowed for extreme global to be seen in present days (Janelle et al. 293). Because of the rise in temperature, the glaciers are melting, the amount of ice in the arctic is decreasing, the snow-capped mountains in the Himalayas are becoming