Gmo Persuasive Research Paper

Words: 768
Pages: 4

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are a relatively new development. The time first they were truly consumed was in the mid-1990s. Genetically modified tomatoes made their appearance in grocery stores as the first genetically modified food on the market (Source B). Since then, the debate has been whether or not companies should label foods that are genetically modified. Foods that contain GMOs have never been found to be harmful to humans. No long term studies have been conducted to conclude that they have negative health effects on humans. There has only been proof of positive effects such as better tasting foods, more vitamins, stronger disease resistance, more economic longevity. If someone truly cares to avoid GMOs in fear of long term effects, they could look into the food they are consuming further. However, because there are no known negative health effects and countless positive effects, genetically modified food should not have to be labeled for the public consumption. The positive benefits outweigh the consequences, therefore there is no reason genetically modified foods should have to be labeled. …show more content…
In many cases, GMOs actually benefit humans because they are jam packed with vitamins and minerals. For example, “Golden Rice” is a genetically modified crop that is biofortified with loads of vitamin A to decrease a common condition in underdeveloped countries that causes blindness and extremely high rates of child mortality. Source C states that “Golden Rice could reduce health problems associated with vitamin A deficiency by up to 60%,” (Source C). This is extremely helpful in the development of these