Gonorrhea Research Paper

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Pages: 4

Gonorrhea Facts:
What it is-
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease that can infect both men and women. I can cause infections in the genitals, rectum, and throat. Also, it is a very common infection, especially for people who are between the ages of 15-24 years old.
It’s earliest records were found to date from 1611, when English parliament enacted a law ensuring that the spread of the infection is decreased and curbed. It’s nickname “the clap” according to some historians came about because the infected person would experience a clapping sensation that suddenly appeared when urinating. Others say the name originated because in order to remove the pus-like discharge from the penis, it had to be clapped on both sides. Then it is also believed the name comes from the French brothels, which were known ad les clapiers, and men who visited these brothels invariably ended up with the infection.
It’s earliest treatment was with use of
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First you will be examined by a doctor and most of the time a urine test can be used to test for gonorrhea. However, if you have had oral and/or anal sex, swabs may be used to collect samples from your throat and/or rectum. Then in some cases, a swab may be used to collect a sample from a man’s urethra (urine canal) or a woman’s cervix (opening to the womb).
Once diagnosed it’s important you take all your medication that is prescribed to you and it should not be shared with anyone. While the medication does stop the infection it will not reverse any permanent damage caused by the disease.
It is becoming harder to treat some forms of gonorrhea, due to the fact drug-resistant strains are increasing. If your symptoms continue more than a few days after receiving treatment, you should go back to the doctor to be checked again.
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