Research Paper On Gonorrhea

Words: 581
Pages: 3

After reading, learning and researching about gonorrhea, I have learned that this type of infection has been prevalent for more than a century. It continues to become more of a threat and is the “second most reportable communicable disease.” (American Journal of Nursing,2015, para 28) The prevention and treatment of this disease are ways to decrease the spread so it does not become an epidemic infection. Gonorrhea, discovered by Albert Ludwig Sigesmund Neisser in 1879 (Ligon, 2005), was also known as “the clap” since the 16th century before knowing what the genital infection was. It is a gram negative cocci and is classified as nessira gonorrhea. This gonococcus bacterium is a communicable sexually transmitted disease that affects the …show more content…
It can be transmitted genitally, orally or anally in the mucous membranes. Gonorrhea can also be transmitted from mothers to babies during vaginal birth if the mother is infected. This infection is called Gonococcal Ophthalmia Neonatorum and affects the baby’s eyes similar to conjunctivitis. Prevention and spread of the infection involves safe sex practice with the use of condoms, as well as decreasing the number of sexual partners, monogamy or even abstinence. This stresses the importance of proper sex education in the community to aid in the awareness and control of gonorrhea and other communicable sexually transmitted …show more content…
Unfortunately, over the past few years, cases have been back on the rise. This is due to a several factors that produce the spread of the infection. First “many patients don’t experience signs or symptoms, such as dysuria or purulent penile discharge, fewer than half are diagnosed and treated.” (Nursing2016, p.25-27) Additionally, another factor putting the community at risk of infection is “the incidence of antibiotic resistant strains of nessira gonorrheae infections.” (Wong, n.d.) The antibiotic resistance to gonorrhea is happening because the bacterium starts to divide and mutate to try and survive. “Currently only one class of antibiotics, the third-generation cpehalosporins, can effectively treat gonorrhea.” (AJN,2015, para 33) Treatment for gonorrhea today consists of two treatments, an intramuscular injection of ceftriaxone, along with an oral dose of