Good Vs Evil In Beowulf

Words: 480
Pages: 2

Beowulf, A New Telling
Beowulf Is one book of adventure that I enjoyed that really sticks out from the others in a way you’ll only know if you read this essay.
Beowulf is a book about a man named Beowulf who goes to the land of the danes to defeat the monster Grendel who is attacking Hall Heorot, and eating people. Beowulf has a distinct theme of good vs evil as it is brought up quite a bit in the story. When Beowulf defeats Grendel he says “Light holds you, Grendel. Light has you in his power. You, who have shunned the sun.” which in short means good has defeated evil. And when Beowulf Defeats The She devil he says, “There is a power you are powerless against. That power is in me. You see it shining in the golden collar around my neck. You