The issues discussed in the film influence a lot of writers in the world to make graffiti more or make their graffiti pieces apart of the issues they faced. A lot of writers make fun of political people and since they make fun of them they end up being seen and making it big in the graffiti seen. Such as “OBEY” he has been doing graffiti for a long time and made a clothing line from what he does. He also made a famous Obama Painting that went worldwide. I honestly think graffiti makes a very strong message to a lot of citizens in the world. Also it can make a difference in people lives because sometimes graffiti influences bad people and makes them become a better person in general in lightens up their days.
The style was kind of similar cause in the film, they show a lot of wheat pasting and they are human like or look almost realistic in a way. And its similar cause in Sf there is a writer that does a wheat pasting