Grammatical Aspect and Present Perfect Tense Essay example

Submitted By jimker28
Words: 334
Pages: 2

Week 7

Monday: FOG: Present Perfect Tense (pp. 133-142). Do exercises #1-7; Already/Yet/Still (pp. 121-128) Do exercises #1-5. Do the review on page 132 and 145. Present Perfect: since/for (pp. 108-117) Do exercises #1-7. Do the review on page120. Come to class with two significant questions you have about present perfect tense.

Tuesday: IFT Chapter 5 (pp. 75-83). Do exercises A, B, C, and D. Write your summary on a separate sheet of paper. Listen to the CD. Oral presentation topic: Do you feel lonely living in the United States? Explain. Presenters: Sheryl, Xiaolong, John and Nina. Vocabulary words: for instance, shy, chronic, temporary, unlike

Wednesday: IFT: Chapter 5 (pp. 83-88). Do exercises E, F, G, H. Do H on a separate sheet of paper. Write complete sentences. Put H in your portfolio. Vocabulary words: factors, overcame, predict, remain, severe. WA#6: First draft due. Look on IFT page 88. Write one paragraph about #3. Make sure to describe ONE specific time in your life. Give details, examples, and explanations. Bring one copy to class. Do not put your name on your paper; use a nickname.

Thursday: Computer Lab. Practice Present Perfect Tense: FOG and
WA#6 Due.

NOTE: This begins the second round of oral presentations. I will grade these presentations much harder than the first presentations. You must have at least one significant and effective visual aid. You must speak for 2-3 minutes. You may use one 3X5