Growth Mindset Analysis

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Pages: 3

Sometimes life’s greatest lessons are hidden in the least expected places. In the wake of college applications, many juniors are drenched in the stress of standardized testing, GPAs, and extracurricular activities. While trying to regain my sanity from the madness, I struck gold. Browsing through social media after pushing through hours of studying and homework, I stumbled upon a video on my Twitter feed: #YouCanLearnAnything. The title piqued my curiosity, so I decided to give it a couple minutes of my evening. In the video, psychology professor Carol Dweck expounds on how some students have a “fixed mindset,” believing their abilities in certain fields are limited and how others have a “growth mindset,” believing their abilities can be continually improved and developed. Rejecting the notion that people can be innately incapable of attaining excellence, Professor Dweck highlights the power of an individual to master any subject using a variety of studies showing that students with a growth mindset fare much better in their personal, academic, and professional endeavors. Everyone’s learning begins like a dark web; after illuminating parts of your web through further studies, you make connections and brighten the rest. After learning about the concept of growth mindset, I made a strong connection: I not only needed a growth mindset but also needed …show more content…
In the world we live in, a lot of people take knowledge for granted because it surrounds them; instead of chasing education, they feel as if they can’t escape it. Consequently, they miss out on the richest form of learning: learning with an interest. When you have an interest in what you learn, you begin to enjoy the process, you come to love understanding why and how. You don’t learn it for the grade but for your own edification. Soon, it’s not a want to learn but a dire and self-proclaimed need… that is when you are en route to