The movie begins in media res as the old gang of futuristic fighters led by Peter Quill (Chris Pratt), who calls himself the Star-Lord, fight a fat blobby creature with enormous rows of teeth placed in a digital environment that is vague and confusing. Gunn, does not seem to understand the sequence of the storyboard, the first scene plays out as if every designer had been working on their own, and for nearly 10 minutes the only thing seen are people and weapons being swirled around the screen with no context.
As usually done by Marvel, the movie is full of intense fighting scenes that often make no sense and are only used to show the Guardian’s strength and massive weapons, the ultimate way to make the audience forget that the series lacks a real origin. There is no myth, world or story on which watchers can find context for the story and, although the character’s personal stories are a bit more developed than in the last volume, it seems as if the Guardians are …show more content…
The character Little Groot often has scenes that make the audience melt in a cuteness overload, and his one liners probably elicit the most laughs from the audience. Little Groot has a scene in which he is asked to retrieve a weapon by Rocket Racoon and Ranger Yondu that is built like a comedy gag, and another in which he stares with childlike wonder out of a spaceship window which makes the theater echo with “aw”. The movie does have its fair share of punch lines and humor, with Rocket Raccoon's incessant teasing of “Taser Face”, Drax’s bragging about his “giant turds” and the overall sarcasm that all characters demonstrate at one point or