Gun Violence Persuasive Essay

Words: 690
Pages: 3

Gun violence is an ongoing problem in the US. There are many different ways proposed to help with the issue, but everything eventually boils down to two options. Either get rid of guns or keep them. Although some people believe that banning guns is the way to go, passing laws that prevent people who are potentially dangerous from purchasing guns, works better than banning firearms completely. Instead of taking our legal rights away, let’s start with keeping criminals away from guns. Do this by making laws to do better background checks and security when purchasing to prevent criminals from getting their hands dirty. A good example of those people are, “Those that are conclusively presumed irresponsible include ex felons, former mental patients, …show more content…
Evaluating Brady, paragraph 2, Jacobs). With denied purchases of guns, criminals have been prevented from getting their hands on these weapons and causing potential harm to others or themselves. Even though the Brady Bill is extremely effective, there will always be ways criminals get their hands and weapons. To ensure the safety of others, allow law abiding citizens to keep and bare arms in order to shut down potential threats and keep peace. Thus banning firearms completely should not be the course of action we as a society take. “The answer I believe is not restricting law abiding citizens.the answer is stopping criminals and madmen from getting guns” (paragraph 9 line 1, source 2). With the ability to have citizens be the true first line of defense, many lives would be saved with those precious minutes that would’ve otherwise been spent waiting for law enforcement to show up. “And they all said the same thing. Had that individual citizen not engaged, not risked their lives, many more lives would’ve been murdered that day”, (paragraph 7 last line, source 2). Having good, law-following citizens being able to assist in stopping threats would greatly help in aiding gun