Harriet Tubman was a spy during the time she escaped. She was the first woman in history to lead a military expedition. She was one of the greatest heroines of the civil war. She was known as an abolitionist. Spies would gather information gained from slaves about the Confederate. The spies became known as “ Black Dispatches”. Her recognition didn’t come until many years after the war had ended. She didn’t receive her pension until 1899. They had lived their lives as invisible people. They …show more content…
The Underground Railroad was founded in the early 19th century and reached its height between 1850 and 1860. The Underground Railroad wasn’t underground it was just a railroad that used lamps for detection. The term “railroad” was used because the railroad was an emerging system of transportation.The song “Follow The Drinking Gourd.” suggests escaping in the spring as the days get longer. It also refers to quails which start calling each other in April. The drinking gourd is a water dipper which is a code name for the Big Dipper, which points to the Pole Star towards the north. Moss grows on the north side of dead trees, so if the Big Dipper is not visible, dead trees will guide them north. In January 1863, Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation proclamation liberating slaves in Confederate states. “Don’t give up on your strength and how brave you are”, a quote by Harriet Tubman that ask for inner faith.