Hawaii Island Research Paper

Words: 800
Pages: 4

There are many benefits to choosing Hawaii Island as my location there is wind, sunlight, mountains, and volcanos. Hawaii Island gets most of its wind at night at the top of the mountains. The strongest wind is at 5,000-7,000 ft above sea level. Hawaii Island has 3 very tall mountains. The mountains are Hualālai, Mauna Loa, and Mauna Kea. Hualālai’s peak is 8,271 feet above sea level. Since there is a trade wind between 5,000 and 7,000 feet with winds from 100-160 km/h Hualālai has 2,000 feet worth of mountain space that can be used for windmills. The same goes for Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea except those mountains are even higher so there would be more space in the 5,000-7,000 ft above sea level area. These spots are perfect for windmills …show more content…
Since we sell the energy for about $45 per mwh (megawatt-hour) we could sell this energy at a discount to other countries so we could make back the money we put into the wind turbines and start to …show more content…
Hawaii Island get’s about 168 days of sunshine. Thats 41 percent of sunshine a year making solar energy an ideal choice for an energy source. We could extend using these solar panels on all our apartments, offices and bigger commercial building’s. We would have to alter these solar panels so they could be see through like a window, but they would be able to produce a lot of energy. Each day on Hawaii Island during the summer they get about 13 hours and 26 minutes worth of sunshine. During the winter they get about 10 hours 50 minutes worth of sunshine. That averages out to be about 12 hours and 28 minutes a day. That averages out to be about 4,482 hours and 20 minutes a year. On average solar panel creates about 432 kilowatts a day making 18 kilowatts a hour. On average an apartment building is 3 m tall per floor (10 feet) that same rule applies to commercial buildings. Considering this a solar panel is about 65 by 39 inches. Turning that into metres it is 1.651 m by 0.9906 m making each solar panel have an area of 1.6354806 m². With that information we can conclude that we could cover a building with quite a few solar panels meaning we can generate energy very efficiency. Now that my city would have two power sources we could start selling energy to other countries making our city very wealthy which we could put toward other