Health Seeking Behaviour Research Paper

Words: 1068
Pages: 5

The health seeking behaviour determines how health services are used by an individual. There are also several factors that determine health behaviour indeed, the utilisation of a health care system may depend on educational levels, economic factors, cultural beliefs and practices, environmental conditions, socio-demographic factors, and knowledge about the facilities, gender issues, political environment, and the health care system itself. Health seeking behavior is define as decision-making process that is further governed by individuals and/or household behavior, community norms, and expectations as well as provider-related characteristics and behavior. It is any action which undertaken by individuals who perceive themselves to have a health problem or to be ill for the purpose of finding an appropriate remedy.

Adolescents have significant needs for health services. They pose different challenges for the health-care system than children and adults, due to their rapidly evolving physical, intellectual and emotional development. The health of adolescent is shaped by: parents and families health care systems peers media neighbourhoods and communities employers schools social norms community organizations government, policies and laws faith communities. These factors impact young people’s sense of health and well being by affecting their capacity to withstand life stressors, their ability to transition in developmentally appropriate ways, and their ability to make decisions
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Teen sex, sexually transmitted infections, birth control, sexual education, and teen pregnancy are a few of the clinical and social issues covered here for young adults and their providers. Issues affecting adolescent reproductive and sexual health are similar to those of adults, but may include additional concerns about teenage pregnancy and lack of adequate access to information and health