The page started with the question “what is heart block?” according to the university of Rochester medical center, a heart block is any electrical signals that cannot move from your atria to your ventricles, upper and lower chambers of the heart. Where signals slow down but do not completely stop passing by the chambers. Providing that information by the university, one has to understand the structure of the heart. This organ has four chambers. Right left atrium (upper chambers), and right left ventricle (lower chambers). In order to function, the heart needs an electrical system. This electrical system starts at a point called the sinoatrial node (SA node) on the right atrium. Then the electrical impulse are sent to the atrioventricular node ( AV node) between the lower chambers passing through the bundle of his and going to the Purkinje’s fibers - left right ventricles and making cycle to never stop. Moreover, the article categorized heart blocks into: first, second, and third degree. The author differentiates, between the degrees. As first degree being the least severe, where the electrical system slows down when the signals are going from the atria to