On: 27 May 2014, At: 03:37
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
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International Journal of Production Research
Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tprs20 Supply chain design: issues, challenges, frameworks and solutions a a
Steven A. Melnyk , Ram Narasimhan & Hugo A. DeCampos
Department of Supply Chain Management, Michigan State University, The Eli Broad
Graduate School of Management,, East Lansing, MI, 48824, USA.
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Yet, in reviewing these findings, it is important to recognise that although supply chain management is not new, it is still evolving. The term was first coined in 1982 when Keith Oliver, a consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton, used it in an interview with the Financial Times (Kransdorff 1982). Since then, its development and growth as a discipline has occurred primarily in the industrial sector. Supply chain management is a concept that has been born of practice, grown through need, and changed in response to various challenges, threats and opportunities. Consequently, until recently, it has largely not been theoretically grounded. Rather, attention has been devoted to understanding what supply chain management is (and is not), how it is related to similar approaches such as logistics, operations management and purchasing/sourcing management (e.g., Cooper, Lambert, and Pagh 1997; Skjoett-Larsen 1999; Larson and Halldorsson 2004), and how it affects performance. The knowledge base on which supply chain management is based is still in flux and surrounded by controversy. For example, there is disagreement over the very nomenclature applied – are we dealing with supply chains, supply chain networks or value chain networks? For the purposes of this note, we shall conform to common usage by using the term ‘supply chain management’.
*Corresponding author. Email: decampos@msu.edu
Ó 2013 Taylor & Francis