The Henry Doorly Zoo with partners has developed techniques that vitro fertilization and artificial insemination and created a sperm bank for more than 20,000 species. (Omaha Zoo Research Page) This is cutting edge research that is not only working with a large collection of animals but it is actually creating a preserved collection for the future. The Henry Doorly Zoo is not only doing research within the walls of the zoo but has expanded it works with other zoos in North America, Europe, South Africa, and Australia. This is a key aspect to research because even though the zoo has a large variety of species to conduct research on they are doing research on outside species with the intention to learn more about their habitats and diets with the possibility of bringing them back to the zoo and having the capability of housing them in conditions that reflect those of their home. It is a very large transition going from the wild to the captivity and if done incorrectly can result in fatal results for the animal and that is the last thing any zoo wants to