Mr. Stegink
English 11 – 3rh Period
May 12th, 2014
Hester Prynne
The novel “The Scarlet Letter” involves four main characters, Hester, Pearl, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth. Each of them represents something significant in the novel. The representation that Hester holds in this novel is sin and redemption. Hester commits adultery and because of her sinful act, she is publically shamed for the rest of her life. Her sinful act, however, affects many of the events of the novel. Hester heavily affects Dimmesdale, her secret lover. Dimmesdale, who is a minister, tried confessing by telling everyone that he is indeed Hester’s secret lover, but he does not have the courage to do so. By Dimmesdale keeping this secret, he gives Chillingworth, Hester’s husband, the advantage of getting revenge. Chillingworth tortures Dimmesdale by saying he’s a wonderful and holy person, and it greatly impacts Dimmesdale health and conscience. If Hester had confessed and had said that Dimmesdale was the father, Chillingworth wouldn’t have such facility into getting his revenge. However, Hester doesn’t only represent sin in this novel, she also represents redemption. A few years go by and Hester hardens herself. She continues to help people, but she moves forward, forgets about the past. She also asks for Dimmesdale’s forgiveness for keeping the secret that Chillingworth is her husband. At the end of the novel, Dimmesdale ends up forgiving Chillingworth for making him suffer. I have