Vonnie Brennan
8 Major Government Funded Programs
Total Funding: $1,974,042,215,000 Abstinence Education: $40,895,000 total funding Percent: 2.07% of total government funding Purpose of this Program:To enable States to provide abstinence education and, at the option of the State, where appropriate, mentoring, counseling, and adult supervision to promote abstinence from sexual activity, with a focus on groups that are most likely to bear children out of wedlock.
Abondong Infants: 12,052,000 total funding Percent: 6.1% percent Purpose of this Program:To develop, implement and operate projects that demonstrate how toPrevent the abandonment of infants and young children exposed to HIV/AIDS and drugs, including the provision of services to family members for any conditions that increased the probability of abandonment of an infant or young child. To identify and address the needs of abandoned infants, especially those born with AIDS and those exposed to drugs. To assist these children to reside with their natural families, if possible, or in foster care. To recruit, train and retain foster parents. To carry out residential care programs for abandoned children and children with AIDS. To establish programs of respite care for families and foster families. To recruit and train health and social services personnel to work with families, foster families and residential care staff. And to prevent the abandonment of infants and young children by providing needed resources through model programs. This program also funds technical assistance, including training, with respect to the planning, development and operation of the projects.
Alchohol, Tabaccoo, and Firearms Training Assitance: $1,900,000 total funding Percent:.6% percent Purpose of this program:To help the participant identify the laws relating to alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives, and provide training in specific investigative skills and techniques, and to help State, county, and local law enforcement officers improve their law enforcement capabilities in the organized crime area, including arson, undercover, firearms and explosives investigations.
Community Food Projects, $4,800,000 total funding Percent: 2% Purpose of this Program: To support the development of community food projects designed to meet the food needs of low-income people; increase the self- reliance of communities in providing for their own needs; and promote comprehensive responses to local food, farm, and nutrition issues. Assistance to Firefighters Grant, $720,000,000 total funding Percent: 3.64 % Purpose of this Program:To provide direct assistance, on a competitive basis, to fire departments of a State or tribal nation for the purpose of protecting the health and safety of the public and firefighting personnel against fire and fire-related hazards. Discovery and Applied Research, $111,740,000 total funding Percent: 5.66% Purpose of this Program: To support hypothesis-, design-, technology-, or devise-driven research relation to the discovery, design, development, validation, and application of technologies related to biomedical imaging and bioengineering. The program includes biomaterials (biomimetics, bioprocessing, organogenesis, rehabilitation, tissue engineering, implant science, material science, interface