April 1, 2013
Organizational Staffing
Staffing Multiple Positions
Proper staffing of an organization is a significant part of its success. To properly staff an organization, the individual doing the hiring should be well versed in all aspects of an organization and be familiar with the entire recruitment process. Complete knowledge of planning, recruiting, selecting and decision making is a necessity when searching for the right candidate for the right position.
The first and most important step in starting a new business would be planning for staffing needs to run the day-to-day operations of the company. This can sometimes be the most daunting task for a company because typically when someone needs to fill a position they want to fill it ‘now’. The individuals that do the actual hiring process need to be aware of a few things when starting this process. Things such as legal requirements, job information, staffing quality, and the hiring team which are discussed in more detail below.
Legal requirements are the basis for a lot of companies hiring process because there are certain industries that are regulated and have special requirements. One should always be aware of any hiring laws such as Affirmative Action and Executive Order 11246. Governmental agencies are regulated on a stricter basis than typical public companies so your legal requirements could be different in different situations and positions. In all situations companies want to have a well diverse staff and in doing so will help you service your client needs in a more sufficient manner as well.
Once legal requirements are fully researched, hiring managers will want to move on to researching the actual position that needs to be filled and compiling job information. The most important part of a position is the job description which you can write after doing a thorough job analysis. Job analyses are the basis for any position and show what tasks, KSAOs (knowledge, skills, abilities & other), education requirements and the majority of the important aspects of the position. The job analysis and description allow applicants to know the basics of what is expected of them, the minimum requirements needed to apply for this position and the path to potential movement within the company.
Using the job analysis and company culture, the hiring manager should then look at the staffing quality and type of person that they are looking for. First it must be decided (based on the job analysis) if the position will be a full-time or part-time position. There are benefits to both, but the main factor when deciding would be if the position has enough work to justify hiring a full-time person. Next, look at the staffing quality. Not every applicant is a good fit for every position in the company so hiring managers need to take a look at whether they are looking for a person/job match where the person will be completing that job the full term of their employment and know it inside and out or a person/organization match meaning that the applicant might not fit that job perfectly but is a fit for the company. I personally feel that person/organization fit is more important than person/job because generally employees do not want to stay in the same position their entire career and employee needs to develop within the company to move into different roles.
Once all the details about the position are established, hiring manager’s need to decide the course that a potential applicant will take in the hiring process. Will they interview with just one person or will it be a team of individuals interviewing. If the applicant will be meeting with multiple individuals, then the hiring manager will need to discuss what each person’s part and expectation will be in the process. The company will want to make sure that all applicable individuals are versed in interview protocol as well as legal requirements of what you can and cannot ask. I recommend giving