History: World War Ii and Munich Agreement Essay

Submitted By Danieltoma10
Words: 806
Pages: 4

Appeasement Policy
Giving into someone provide their demands are seen as reasonable
During the 1930's many politicians in Britain and France came to see that the terms of the treaty of versailles were placed
Hitlers actions were seen as reasonable and understandable
Western democracies gave into Germany, Japan and Italy in order to satisfy them and prevent war.

Battle of Britain
Winston Churchill says that Britain will not negotiate for peace.
Hitler plans Operation Sea Lion, the invasion of Britain.
Devastating air attacks were followed by the landing of German troops.
500 airmen lost their lives but they denied the Nazis control of the air and the invasion of Britain was prevented.

Japanese Fascism
Encouraged fanatical devotion to military values and to the emperor
Violently nationalist, racist, anti-communism and anti-democratic.
Assassinated their political opponents or frightened them into silence.
School children were indoctrinated in fascist values and forced to take part in military training.

European Fascism
Intense nationalism, with the desire to expand its territory
Support for imperialism, believing some nations had rights to rule others
Racism, believing some races were superior to others
Violent opposition to communism and socialism
Contempt for parliamentary democracy, believing dictators should rule
Glorification of war and violence as a means of achieving their aims
Use education and propaganda to indoctrinate.

The enabling act is how hitler gained power legally and became a dictator
German communists, socialists and other anti-nazi groups were the first to be sent to concentration camps
Japan and Germany became allies in 1936 and Italy joined the pact in 1937
The Appeasement policy was when the western democracies gave into Japan, Germany and Italy in order to satisfy them and prevent war
Britain declared war on Germany when Germany invaded Poland
The battle of Britain denied Germany control of the air and the invasion of Britain was prevented
The rats of Tobruk were the rulers of Tobruk
The Australian troops became POW's when they were captured in war by Germany and Japan
The Kokada track went from Port Moresby all the way to the mountains of Owen Stanley Range
John Curtin was the prime minister of Australia in 1941
The Australia's Women Army Service had the most enlistments with 31,000
Allied landing took place on the french coast on D-Day
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the two Japanese cities that atomic bombs were dropped on
Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald and Auschwitz were in Germany

Events that caused fear in Australia
Bombing of Darwin, 1942 February
Fall of Singapore because Singapore were seen as an impregnable fortress and now Australia were exposed and more vulnerable
Sightings of Submarines around Australia's coasts
Japan moved quickly

Controlling the distribution of goods when there is a shortage in supply
People placed their names on a list if they needed any household goods
Ration tickets were issued

Coast Watches
Establishment of the volunteer defense corps

When Germany began re-arming in 1934, many politicians felt that Germany had a right to re-arm in order to protect herself
It was also argued that a stronger Germany would prevent the spread of communism to