Blue triangles were used for emigrants, green for criminals, red for political enemies, purple for Jehovah’s Witnesses, black for asocials, pink for homosexuals, and yellow for Jews. Poles and Czechs had black letters on red triangles; members of the armed forces had their red triangles inverted. Special prisoners had brown armbands in addition to their triangle. Some people had circular markings indicating that they had tried to escape. Each one of them had a number pinned above the triangle mark, a number that told those who ran the camps who they were. Prior to seeing that chart, seeing the photos of the many people, I was not fully aware of the many different types of people in the concentration camps. I was disappointed in myself for not knowing that it was not six million Jews that died in the camps as I previously thought, but rather six million people. There were roughly three or four hundred photographs on the wall. It was powerful, seeing displayed in front of me how many different people were trapped and slaughtered in the camps, yet it was a miniscule sample of the six million people that died and the uncounted number of people that were imprisoned and eventually rescued by the Allied