The goal would be to divide them into categories based on the reason why they are homeless, then place them in shelters that accommodates each category. Category one being homeless with no mental health issues, category two being homeless with mental health issues, and category three being homeless with drug or alcohol addictions. The next step would be to build shelters to accommodate each of the three categories. For example, make a shelter available for those without mental health issues that educates them and teaches them how to transition back into society and become self-sufficient. Programs at these facilities could be put into place that helps them complete resumes, apply for jobs, or even go back to school; all while having a safe place to eat, sleep, and shower. Moreover, category two shelters could provide treatment to those with mental disabilities. For those who may be battling disabilities such as depression, anxiety, or PTSD; support groups can be formed at the facility as a form of therapy with trained professionals on site to assist at their needs. Lastly, category three shelters would help those with drug addictions become sober. Those who seek help could enter the rehab program to get them back on their feet and back into the real