Houston Race Riots Research Paper

Words: 832
Pages: 4

Keshonna R. Lewis Professor Kathy Jones HIST 202-W1-American History Since 1877 26 April 2024 Houston Race Riot of 1917 The Houston Race Riot of 1917 resulted in racial tensions between the years 1917 and 1921. Tensions between black soldiers stationed in the city and white residents escalated after a confrontation between a black soldier and a white police officer. Many of the black soldiers who participated in the riot were arrested and faced military trials, with some being executed or imprisoned. Furthermore, discrimination and harassment originated in the riots and trials. Therefore, the riot resulted in violence, with several deaths and extensive property damage in the predominantly black neighborhoods of Houston. As a result, a lack of effective communication, de-escalation strategies, and racial …show more content…
This lengthy history of abuse caused sentiments of impotence and frustration in the face of continued injustices. Moving forward, authorities must emphasize de-escalation strategies and aggressively listen to minority voices to avoid such tragedies in the future. Furthermore, racial discrimination and Jim Crow laws increased the tension by reinforcing structural inequality and oppression, resulting in an explosive atmosphere of hatred towards minority groups. Consequently, Martha Gruening of the NAACP remarked that, one of the black residents of Houston told her that "Southerners do not like to fight colored people on equal terms" (Gruening 14). It is essential that society dismantles these mechanisms and prioritizes equality and justice for all people, regardless of race. As a result, I agree with Undersecretary Camarillo's statement that "it is never too late to correct an injustice," since recognizing past injustices and working to right them is critical to society's progress and