Questions like when can the procedure be done ,what trimester can it be done or when is it too late? “Its performed 91 % during the first trimester”. Which doctor prefer when this process is happening. Some women have a hard time deciding so they wait a couple weeks. Then they wonder is it too late for an abortion? “ about only point zero one percent of abortions are performed on third trimester”. Doctors who like to have the abortion in the first trimester. The is child small and not fully developed. Making the process easy to remove the baby. Why are the reasons why women choose to have an abortion? “ Women are separated from husband, unwanted pregnancy, women having jobs and teenagers ”. Women are not thinking straight when having the processor because then been hurt. In some state you are not able to have an abortion . Women go to other state that do allow for abortion . More state want this to be part of there state ,while other choose for it to be out-