The illegality of abortion often parallels the mortality rates from illegal abortions. For this, we will consider Brazil, a country where the current law, written in 1940, states that abortion is only permissible in the case of rape or danger to the Woman's life. Obviously, the statistics of mortality rates due to illegal abortions are hard to come by, especially when one considers the fact that helping a Woman have an abortion is also punishable with prison time. But Brazil's Ministry of Health estimates that there are 200,000 hospital admissions across Brazil each year, due to botched abortions (Wyler, 2013). Showing that illegalising abortion and condemning those who have them is not a successful method for reducing abortion rates, in fact, proper sex education in schools, colleges, and universities is more effective and important in keeping Women safe. But even then, one would pose to the pro-lifers, that even if you don't agree with the act isn't it better to shame women in a hospital room rather than rally at her funeral, because she cut herself open from the