Nick was 28 when the attack happened and he said “On that day, the scene in new York looked like Independence Day”. Close to every citizen was supporting each other trying to stay strong and mourning over the loss. On citizen's cars in new York they were supporting the U.S. flag supporting the state after the deaths. “It was the first time we started to see the world was a dark place”. Nick is referring to how we as a country tried to isolate ourselves from bad things happening around the world. We always thought well bad things do not happen here it's The United States. This was the first time we have ever experienced a terrorist attack and it greatly affected life today. 9/11 was and still is a very upsetting day for our country, whether you were barely born, a teenager, or an adult, it still affects everyone differently. Our country changed greatly making us stronger and have more awareness. To conclude, September 11th, 2001 was the most eye opening day for The United