How Did Hitler Survive The Holocaust

Words: 1112
Pages: 5

Daniel Yashchuk




1st period


“I see the world gradually being turned into a wilderness, I hear the ever-approaching thunder which will destroy us too, I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet if I look up into the heavens, I think that it will all come right, that this cruelty too will end, and that peace and tranquility will return again.” These are the words of a young girl who was surviving the Holocaust but on the inside wasn’t. This young Jewish girl knew she would die and that when she was dead she wouldn’t need to feel the pains of the Holocaust. And it would be better to be dead. The Holocaust was an atrocious and evil war that Adolf Hitler started for absolutely no reason at all. Hitler himself was a Jew and his family, but he killed his family and ended the war by killing himself in his underground bunker by shooting himself in his head.

Nazis And Hitler
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The Nazis are most known for the Holocaust where they started taking over countries and killing the Jews or sending them to concentration camps to be tortured and then killed. Jews were horrified by the Nazis when they stormed into random streets and hunted for Jews on the streets. Jews hid anywhere to trick the Nazis into thinking they killed these Jews, but most of the time they were found and killed. At the end of World War II, around 6 million Jews had been killed by the Nazis. They killed 1.5 Million Jewish kids out of the 6 Million Jews that were killed during the Holocaust. Hitler was planning on collecting one thousand Jewish artifacts to display in his extinct race museum. Nazis also had control over forced labor camps. Forced labor camps are camps where people are forced to work such as clean places, build buildings, or build houses. After World War 1, Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany’s defeat after they