North Korea Government Research Paper

Words: 566
Pages: 3

What country's have corrupt governments? Two of them are Nazi Germany and North Korea.What is a corrupt government,it's a government with a dictator or general who forces them self into power. That type of government can be influenced by violence and or it's environment. Many corrupt governments have existed through out history. The governments have similarities and differences. A corrupt government is the worst government in the world. Through out history, many people have fought to survive the harshest governments.

Nazi Germany was run by a general named Adolf Hitler. Hitler has 25 years of military training. Hitler was upset with Jewish people for some unknown reason. During his power, Hitler killed over 6 million Jews. Adolf Hitler started this cruel way of killing people. It was called the Holocaust. The Holocaust started on January 30,1933. He killed them by lying to them. He told them that they would be able to have jobs,better homes and medication. The Jews that didn't go were killed,but for the ones that went they were took to a military base and they did work but they didn't get homes or medication. If the people couldn't work any more they were killed. People were many different ways,gassed,shot,or worst. After Hitlers army killed people they would throw your body
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For over 200 years corrupt governments have been in North Korea. It is run by a general named Kim Jong-un. Kim has zero military experience, but some how is a general. In fact, he might be the only general with zero military experience. Kim has a lot of power, but uses his power to the extreme. His power comes mainly from having access to North Korea's ammunition. General Kim often fires missiles,just for fun sometimes. Kim loves to play with missiles,especially during wars. The people of North Korea fear Kim,and he likes to be feared. That fear is how he runs the people and North