How Did Ronald Reagan Change America

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Pages: 4

Ronald Reagan, a former actor and California governor, served as the 40th U.S. President from 1981 to 1989. He was raised in Illinois, where he became a Hollywood star in his twenties and eventually serving as the republican governor of California from 1967 to 1975. Known as a “great communicator”, Reagan became a popular President who served for two years. He is responsible for cutting taxes, increasing defense spending, negotiating a nuclear arms reduction agreement with the Soviet Union, and is also credited with helping to bring a quicker end to the Cold War. Ronald Reagan impacted America politically by altering the political dynamic and foreign policy of the United States and economically pushed a conservative approach to the economic crisis of the eighties.

In foreign affairs, Ronald Reagan's first term in
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Key to the Reagan administration’s foreign policy initiatives towards their fight against the Soviets, was the Reagan Doctrine. Under the Reagan doctrine, the United States provided to supply aid to anti-communist countries and resistance movements against communism in an effort to wipe out and take over communist governments related to the Soviet Union in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The doctrine was designed to stop the spread of Soviet influence in all of these regions as part of the Reagan administration’s overall Cold War foreign policy strategy. In 1983, President Reagan announced and developed the Strategic Defense Initiative, which was planned out to develop more space-bound weapons to protect the United States from any attacks by the Soviets with their nuclear