There are several ideas thrown by people around explaining as how racism began, But I think the racism originated with capitalism and the slavery. Americans considered that black people were not equal and forced black people to become slaves. They started bringing large amount of black people where they were sold and were treated badly. I also believe that racism existed because olden people only stayed and communicated with the same kind of people. It was more comfortable for them to live among the people they knew but feared the difference. So racism started as soon as when people saw and faced people of different races and color. People always fear the change, such fear and hate is what I think is the cause of the racism. I think that racism has been there for so long that we are not able to overcome it. And as time gradually passed, people never cared or had the courage to discuss it with the people concerned. Ultimately with time racism transformed into the stage where people simply started disliking each other to the point where racism built a strong foundation could exist